Project Overview

Reimagine remote communication for parents and adult children

The project started with a discussion about both of our trip back home during the pandemic. We all had the feeling of missing aspects of our parents' life. Therefore, we designed FamiBoard - an interaction board for providing the sense of presence, connectedness, and intimacy for family under remote context.

My Contribution

In this project, the rationale behind each design decision were figure out by the debate conclusions we both agreed on. In this project, I ideate & test the product concept and created both low-fi physical prototype (FamiLight) and hi-fi interactive prototype (mostly on interactions).

Design Question

How might we enhance remote intimacy between adult children and their parents?

Wait! What's wrong with the current solution?

"My family call at the agreed time. Because the time is limited, trivial but interesting things are neglected."

"The conversations dragged when we use text message and most of the time the they were cut off by other discussions."

Solution Overview

Here comes my design process : )


Understand current users, potential users, and the market to contextualize the problem space

Secondary Research
I kicked off the project with reviewing academic papers about remote communication within family. The research focused on how transnational families communicate, and how current technology support synchronous and asynchronous remote communication among family members.

To contextualize the problem space, we interviewed 3 parents and 5 adult children. We asked interviewees about their remote communication styles, frequency, and topics, and why they liked or disliked specific experience with their parents/children under remote context.


We synthesized the research findings into personas for parent and adult child.

Design Opportunities


Increase contact frequency while not being too intrusive


Encourage parents and children to Initiate various topics


Balancing feeling of intimacy & need of boundaries between parent and children


Concept Testing

We brainstormed 4 product ideas and reached out to 7 users for concept testing. During the testings, I asked questions about how people envision the idea and whether the idea would work within their family.

Concept 01 - Virtual living room

Concept 02 - Smart Mirror

Concept 03 - TALKIE Picture Frame

Concept 04 - Smart Light + App


Parallel Prototyping

Because each of the concept above will lead us to very different solution space, we decided to refine concept 01 & 04 and bring the lo-fi physical prototype to the users. We asked users to body storm with the prototype and think out loud during the process.

❌  Prototype 01 - FamiLight

FamiLight is a product with LED matrix light connected with a communication app. The smart light allows users to set up communication routine, customized emoji, and record voice messages.

✅  Prototype 02 - Famiboard

FamiBoard is a digital board which allows users to create notes, share pictures, and draw anything on the freeform section while  prompt users with conversation topics in the widget section,


Justify Design by Wizard of Oz

We listed out the challenge to be coped with in order to move the design forward. These objectives are: (1) Justify the suitable hardware elements for Famiboard. (2) Justify the layout of Famiboard at default state. (3) Understand whether the interaction flows are intuitive to users. Conducting usability tests by wizard of oz methods was the best options to solve these problems.

We evaluated the size of elements on various screens and decided the Famiboard to be a 24 inch board.
The users liked the readability of left-to right layout but the cleanliness of top-to-down layout.
We decided to shrink the widget section and chose the middle layout for better usability and readability.
We limited the number of actions while reviewing the widget content. Then we adjusted the control panel to make it consistent throughout all the widgets.
Final Design

Initiate Various Topics

Share local news with families

Share anything interesting about your surroundings

Share photos from shared album

Prompt by the old memories and share them within seconds

Interact freely whenever you can

write down your feelings

Send handwriting to express your feelings

Quickly reply with stickers

Give quick and timely response with default elements

Own what you've shared

Add signature on the content you've shared

Record your voice

Share your voice to express what you have in mind

Share current status

Share current expereince

Share the seasonal or holiday outfit by updating your avatar

Share current mood

Add emoji besides your avatar to show your emotion status

My Learning

There is no perfect design, it's all about communication!

Even though we are designing based on the same research results, each of us has very different opinions. We took a lot of time debating about our proposals and in the end always realized there is no perfect solution. Communication is the key that helps us make the decisions and move the design forward without missing any context.

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