Project Overview

DCO.AI : Make your video content searchable!

DCO.AI is a B2B2C start-up utilizes speech-to-text technology to make finding information within video easier. The company is collaborating with video-based platforms while also improving their Chrome extension (DCO TagStream) to showcase its value for YouTube viewers. Below is the look of original DCO TagStream.

Contribution as a product design intern

In this project, I worked with CEO, project manager, and 2 engineers. As a product design intern, I redefined the information architecture & user flow, brought up discussion within the team, created interactive prototypes to articulate design decisions, and validated the design by usability tests.

Problem Space

Video will be a major tool in increasingly personalized learning experiences.

People loves to learn with Videos. According to Kaltura's report, among 1,400 participants in their survey, 98% of respondents see video as having a part to play in personalized learning experiences. In the same report, similarly, 98% of respondents anticipate self-paced curriculums as a trend of future learning.

What If...

DCO TagStream can create space for personalized online video learning?

According to YouTube statistics, there are 500M views of learning-related content on Youtube every day. And 86% of the U.S. viewers say they often use YouTube to learn new things.

Since more people are using online video as learning content, we want to exploring how DCO TagStream's auto-generated transcripts, recommend tags, and bookmark features can empower learners utilizing online videos to personalize their experience.

Solution Overview

A library of your learning videos and collections of notes for what you have learned

DCO TagStream helps you scan video content quickly, mark what you think is important, and archive these contents for your future needs.

See Design ProcessSee Final Design

Here comes my design process : )


Understand current users, potential users, and the market to contextualize the problem space

Semi-structured Interview
I asked the current users: How do you feel about the product? How can we improve it? What is the most valuable feature to you?

Contextual Inquiry
I asked potential users: What do you learn on YouTube? Could you walk me through how do you learn these things on YouTube? Can you try to create a bookmark to this video?

Market Research
I conducted research on finding out who are our direct competitors? What features have been launched on YouTube and Chrome? What is our product niche?

Research findings

Detecting Current Usability Issues with Semi-Structured Interviews


System Structure
The information architecture was confusing and did not support actual use case.

The saved bookmarks collection is hiding under a text link.


User Flow
The user flow of primary features violated usability heuristics such as the visibility of system status & user control and freedom.

Refresh the page is the only way to go back to the previous status.


Visual Representation
The UI elements did not properly represent its function.

The overwhelming recommended tags does not reveal its function.

Understand Online Learner's Behavior Pattern with Contextual Inquiry

I also mapped out the behavioral pattern for online learners. With this pattern, I can identified the primary features of DCO TagStream and regroup the features by their overarching value to the users.

Defining Market Niche with Competitor Analysis

I use the each stage of the behavioral pattern as the base to study features on both YouTube & Chrome. I identified the ones supporting similar functions and listed the pros and cons of each features. This findings helps us define the product value of DCO TagStream as a stand along product in this crowded solution space.

Design Feature 01 - Combine features serving the same goal

Navigate within Video Content

I started the design by specifying the design goal and requirements based on research findings. Below is the high level overview of ideation, process, and the decision making of designing this feature.

Design Goal

Let users utilize recommend tags to navigate video efficiently.

Design Requirements

 Let recommend tag be the suggesting terms for searching transcript
 Group the recommend tags that represent the same term/word
  Indicate which part of the video a tag refers to.

Process & Decisions

Following these design requirements, I ideated & assessed 3 options of user flow for this new feature. I chose option 2 for it allows users to understand the full context by both text & video & interact freely with the transcript.

Option 01
Knowing time before the context
Lots of scrolls within dropdown menu

Option 2
Knowing full context by both text & video
See the location of every search result before jump to specific part of video

Option 3
Missing context within transcript
Extra clicks to travel between pages

Usability Test

Could you walk me through how to find a sentence represent the concept of "kick-off meeting questions" in the video?

Feedback for Improvement

The arrow icon does not look like it's clickable.
The transcript is a little bit overwhelming.

Design Feature 02 - Redefine the user flow

Add a Video Bookmark

For this existing feature, I started with redefine information structure and user flow. Then I ideate the and created lo-fi prototype based on the adjustment.

Design Goal

Let users mark the valuable part within the video

Design Requirements

 Reduced confusion between recommended tags and customized bookmarks.
 Clearly indicate the time where bookmark is added to.
Be able to add notes to the bookmark.
Provide easy access to the feature.

Process & Decision

The origin flow frustrated the users because when click on "add customize bookmark", the single action triggers two functions. According the the feedback, most user were no a fan of the "adding bookmark with recommended tags" function. Therefore, I proposed to eliminate the function and let users focus on adding a single bookmark at one time.

Usability Test

Could you add a bookmark at 1:44 to this video? Could you try starting from the "My Bookmark" tab?

Feedback for Improvement

 Clearly indicate the function of control buttons when the button is on hover.
A video control under bookmark timestamp can save users' time.

Design Feature 03 - Proposing the archive system

Retrieve Useful Video Or Bookmark

Design Goal

Let users easily recall where the bookmarks are.

Design Requirements

 Add elements that help users recall bookmarks location such as video title, thumbnail, and video channel in the history section.
Help users group their videos under "Topic List."

Process & Decision

I started out with listing all the elements to be include in the history section and ideating how its would looks like. Then I assessed each option and chose combination of option 1&3 to give give users both ways to find the video.

Option 1
Focus on searching video within a single topic
Extra clicks to travel between pages

Option 2
Only shows detailed information after users click on the list title
More scrolls & clicks to see the topic lists & its content

Option 3
Quickly navigate to a specific topic
All the videos are shown in a page, not friendly to expert user

Usability Test

Assume you want to go back to a bookmark (Design Workshop) in another video, which talks about the idea of UX workshop design. Could you walk me through how you find it?

Feedback for Improvement

 Changed the name of "history" section to "all bookmarked video" section.
Adjust the card into full-width.

Design Feature 04 - Redefine the information architecture and user flow

Add Video to Topic List

 Design Goal

Let users add a video & its bookmarks to specific topic lists

 Design Requirements

 When users add a bookmark, the video is recorded within the "Bookmarked video section" (default)
Allow user decide which topic lists a video belongs to
Allow user to add video to specific topic list without creating a bookmark

 Process & Decision

Based on the design requirement, I added two access for users to add the video to the topic list.

 Usability Test

Could you add this video to both "UX" and "UX Method" topic list? Could you add this video to a new list called "Meeting Questions"?

 Feedback for Improvement

 Add a snack bar as feedback after video is added to topic lists.

Let me walk you through how Dean, a 19 year-old art school student starting to learn product design on YouTube.

Final Design

Learning about design project with Youtube video

Dean find a YouTube video about "Starting a New Design Project." With DCO TagStream, he skims through the video content with auto-generated transcript and discovers concepts by recommended tags.

Add a "kick-off meeting questions" bookmark

After skimming through the video, Dean watches the part of the video that is relevant to his learning. Then he adds a bookmark "kick-off meeting questions" at 1:44, where he marks it and would want to come back for the information later.

Save video to the topic list "UX Method"

After watching the video, Dean likes its content a lot. Therefore, he adds it to his "UX Method" video collection.

Recall where is the content about "design workshop"

Dean realized that a video in his "UX Method" topic list also mentions facilitating meetings. He remembers the content is related to something about "workshop." Therefore, he goes to the video collection, and found the specific video.

Back to Design Process
Where to improve

Incorporate with Youtube feature

In this project, I put a lot of effort in exploring how DCO TagStream can provide features that distinct from existing features on compatible product such as YouTube. However, it is possible to incorporate some of their existing features into TagStream. For example, Youtube video owner can easily create chapters to make video easier to navigate. Indicate the chapters could be a useful information to users while they are adding a bookmark.

My Learning

Take ownership of the project

The outcome of taking ownership of the project always amazed me. As the only product design intern in the team, there were times I proposed to initiate interview sessions & brainstorming workshops. After I explained the value of these actions, I am very lucky that the team always supported me with the resources the team had at the moment, and always appreciate that we speak out for our own work.